Thank you to everyone that completed the questionnaire about days of the week – it left us with a difficult decision to make that has taken some time and debate.
If we remain Fridays we loose people due to other commitments they now have and things they are involved in changing or moving. But moving to Thursdays means we may loose someone too (we hope short term). Our volunteer adult Scout Leaders, Craig, Emma & Sam have also given every Friday and most Monday nights (and an increasing number of weekends for sleepovers and camps for all sections) and so as you can imagine also need to think about their work/volunteer/life balance in this busy world.
Therefore with the Chair of the Exec’s help we have made the tough decision to move to Thursdays with immediate effect.
The Scout section will start back Thursday 15th September at the slightly later time of 7:15pm until 8:45pm, still at Temple Park Centre. 7:15pm – 7:30pm will be welcome game etc with formalities starting at 7:30pm.
Please also put the date in your diary of 12pm Saturday 22nd October until 1pm Sunday 23rd October for the next Scout Section Camp – Cost=FREE, Location=TBC – details will be provided in due course.
We know the decision to change days may be upsetting or challenging for some for which we are truly sorry, but the long term sustainability of the group requires us to sometimes make the tough decisions.
If you’re young person is looking for something to do still on a Friday (or even a Monday) check out the Sheffield Wednesday Community Programme below with 2 local opportunities: