Adult training

All adults within Scouting offer their time voluntarily, but still need to complete some training that is tailored to their role. Your training can help you learn new skills to support you when running activities for a section, managing a dispute, or even taking a group of cubs out on the water for the first time.

Whilst this training is aimed at adult members, anybody else with an interest are welcome to join in with the training, which often can be completed through e-learning or workbooks.

Mandatory Ongoing Training

It is important that every adult member keeps up to date with Safeguarding, Safety, and First Aid. These training modules need to be completed on a regular basis to ensure your skills and knowledge are up to date. These key modules help us to protect every young person and adult within our group.

Find Mandatory Ongoing Training here >

Getting Started Modules

The getting started modules should be completed within 5 months of starting your role and are required for all appointments.

Find Getting Started modules here >

Training for All Appointments

It is important that we have all the correct and relevant details for each young person. Please ensure that you have completed the ‘Join Us’ form. Upon starting you will be given a full registration form to be completed.

Find Training for All Appointments here >

Section Leader Training

There is further training that section leaders are expected to complete. Speak to the GSL for support around this if needed.

Find Section Leader Training here >

Training requirements 

Depending on the role you take on within Scouting the training requirements will be different. The Module Matrix is a handy summary of the Adult training scheme and ongoing learning. Additionally there is a ‘Personal File’ that gives further details of each module, including how to validate the learning achieved. Visit to access the Module Matrix and the Personal FIle.

For each role you will have a Personal Learning Plan (PLP). This is stored on Compass (the Scout Association’s adult member database). This can be accessed using the link in ‘Quick Links’ above.

Key policies

All adults within Scouting need to familiarise themselves with these key policies, that have been produced as handy reference cards that can be carried on you. Paper copies of these will be supplied to you upon joining, but replacement copies are available from the Group Scout Leader.

Yellow Card – Safeguarding – (version 7, November 2018)

Purple Card – Safe Scouting and what to do in an emergency – (version 7, March 2019)

Green Card – Scouting and alcohol – (version 2, 2018)

Some useful sources of information for volunteers:

Some basic fact sheets from axes to recipes from Scout Adventures.

Some risk assessment tips and examples from the Scout Association.

Information about Tomahawk Throwing from the Scout Association.

Online Scout Manager have some videos avaiable to show you how to perform some of the simple tasks here.