186th Sheffield are proud to provided 82 places each week for children and young people across 4 sections and 2 nights thanks to the ongoing hard work of the volunteer teams.

But we have over 100 children on the waiting list and we also want to inject more adventure into our sessions, both need more volunteers to make it happen.

Volunteering can be a regular commitment, you can sign up to our team by speaking to Craig or Emma and help weekly or fortnightly or at specific events such as camps. All regular volunteers and those helping over night at camps go through a vetting process including a DBS check and are provided with Safeguarding, Safety and other training.

But helping could be ad-hoc, perhaps around your work schedule or when there is a specific activity you know you’d be able to offer your skills for. Helping ad-hoc is a great way to get a feel for the group before committing and you’d never be left alone and always supported by a regular volunteer. You helping might mean you are the extra eyes we need to help observe the children so we are able to go to the park or have a fire.

Signing up to help out ad-hoc is easy and straight forward thanks to Online Scout Manager (OSM). We use OSM for our programme, planning, member files etc and now signing up to be a parent helper. The short video shows you how easy it is to use OSM and while you’re logged in how you can check and update your child’s details (we need this for safety and for the annual Censes), see what badges they have achieved and where they should be placed on their uniform.

Also while logged in check you have completed the Gift Aid declaration is you are a tax payer, this means we can claim and extra 25% of your subs from HMRC at no cost to you, so your £8 becomes £10.

Any questions then get in touch, the easiest way is to email info@186sheffield.org.uk and one of the team will get back to you.